The Experimental Journal, follows six weeks of experimentation for the book 'The Night Manager' by John Le Carre, chosen for the Adult Fiction category for the 2020 Penguin Student Design Awards. The aim of this project was to explore multiple concepts and processes, to find the strongest to take forward to create a final cover. Below, are extracts of pages from the journal, following my six weeks of experimentation, the aim was to find a concept that was fresh and contemporary, while avoiding the usuals spy and crime cliches that characterise many books in that genre.  

Selected Works

Underdawg (2021)Logo Design

TPP Social Media (2021)Graphics for Socials

Animation (2020-2021)Animated Design

Experimental Journal (2019)Experimental Design

'Waves' (2019)Guide and Posters

Desturi Safari (2018)Brand Identity

Norse Mythology Series (2020)Book Series Design

'The Law of the Jungle' (2019)Multi-Page Document

'ISM' Book Series (2018)Book Cover Series Design